Funny fake bday prank

Throwing a fake birthday celebration for my unsuspecting friend

A couple of days ago, it was my Dad’s birthday and our close family friend brought a carrot cake to celebrate. My mom asked if I was going to eat the cake and I said no and told her that I was going to share it with my friends in class.

A couple of hours later, a light bulb went off in my head. I thought…hey why not pull a fake birthday prank on one of my friends?

It is a tradition for our class to cut a cake on someone’s birthday and it has been quite some time since we last cut a cake. So I messaged one of my friends and shared my awesome creative plan with him….lol.

The next day I brought the cake and told some of my friends about the plan. In the first period, we were all planning on ‘when to cut the cake’ and ‘how to do it’ instead of paying attention to the teacher.

During the first interval, we told everyone not to leave and sang happy birthday and made him cut the cake. It was hilarious and he was realy surprised and yelling that it was not even his bday!

Look I know I am making it seem like I wrote this post just because I came up with the idea. But that is not really the case, this whole prank thing worked because we all put our minds together. Hehe

It was a fun harmless prank and I am sure he is going to remember this for a long time.

We even shot a video so you can watch his reaction here.

This is day 37 of #100DaystoOffload

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